Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My mom is not a victim

One-third of the adults in my household don’t pay any federal income tax.

As those of you who heard me last year when I first entered the 5th District race may recall, my mom has an apartment in my wife’s and my home.  She is 78 and lives off Social Security.  I think she earned every penny of it.  

When I was in elementary school, my father lost his job and it took him several months to find a new one.  So my mom went to work.  She worked from 6 pm until 2 am.  She chose those hours so she would be home when my brother and I returned from school and could also sleep a few hours before seeing us off in the morning.  It couldn’t have been easy.  

Now, however, she doesn’t pay any federal income tax.  She is “dependent” on the government.  Or so we are told.  Well I say this not only because I love my mom but because I respect how she took responsibility for herself and her family 45 years ago:

Mitt Romney can take his candidacy and shove it.


  1. lol!
    Thank you for all of the retired people who worked so hard for so long.

  2. NPR's Marketplace just exploded the Romney Myth around that 46.4% that not only have paid income tax for years (retirees like your mom); the middle class who've paid 12 months of payroll tax and now owe nothing; the poor who don't make enough to be taxed; and never mind all of us who federal income tax or not pay sales taxes every day...how sad that Romney sees people as nothing but negligible percentages unless they can pay $50K a plate! (That was the pricetag to that event!)

  3. For a man who has structured his entire life and finances for tax avoidance to indict those who don't pay Federal income tax is the height of chutapah. It is also possible that he did not pay Federal income taxes in one or more years in the past. We have only his word, and he lied about his tax status in 1992.

    I wonder if he includes "people" like GE in his accusation?
